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Move your Pets SafelyMoving day can be very exciting for you and your family, but it can make even the most laid-back pet a nervous wreck. Move Your Pets Safely – here are a few tips to make the transition easier and safer for everybody.

  • Get a new IDTag before the move.

    As soon as you know your new address, purchase an ID tag and be sure to include a mobile phone number.  Of course you’ll be keeping your pet safely contained on moving day, but in the commotion unexpected  things can happen. It will also take a few good walks around the neighborhood before your dog knows where home is. Keep a photo of your pet with accessible paperwork. Be prepared.

  • Get records from your vet. If you’re moving any distance, contact your vet and obtain all your pet’s vaccination and medical records. You will need to provide this information to your new vet, and you may be required to produce vaccination certificates if you need to board your dog or cat.
  • Invest in a good carrier and/or crate.  Keep your pet safe during the commute to your new home by securing him in a carrier. Once you get there, you’ll need to keep him safely contained while your belongings are being moved into the house. A crate can also provide your pet with a safe and familiar place to retreat to  until he is accustomed to his new surroundings.    
  • Make your new home “homey”. In addition to having all necessary items (food dishes, leash, collar, litterbox) at hand, you should also pack any familiar toys, blankets, etc. to comfort your pet.    An old sweatshirt or something that smells like you can help ease anxiety.